And for those sock knitters looking for a challenge have you seen the 52 Pair Plunge Knitalong? The knitalong starts April 1, 2007 and ends April 1, 2008 and the challenge is to knit 52 pairs in one year. Anyone signing up? Adrienne? Claire? :)
***Knitting Group is Tonight! We meet at the new Starbucks in Wilmette (corner of Lake & Laramie, just to the west of I-94 on Lake Ave.). We start at around 6:30 and go until 8ish. Any yarn enthusiast is welcome!***
You didn't actually say you were signing up. Thanks for not mentioning my name...as a 12 pair plunge would be more my style.
Hey, that is an idea!
I'm already signed up :) I was the one that mentionned it on the Lime & Violet board hehehe. I'm sooo looking forward to this :)
Cheers Eva
52 pairs? No way. I think twelve is overly ambitious for me.
Truly Alyssa, you and Adrienne are the only people I know who could possibly accomplish that (and have the stash to do it!) Although Jen has the stash too, now that I think about it. Lynae probably does too!
52 pairs? Um... I'll be with ya in spirit!
I haven't signed up. A pair a week, EVERY week - I don't think so. Every other week, now that I could do and still enjoy knitting socks.
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