I'm knitting the mitts in Louet Gems Merino in the colors Indigo and Neptune on size 2.75mm needles. I can't believe how quickly the tiny tiny yarn knits up into such a beautiful pattern. Eunny's design is just perfect. That's not a ladder running down the left side, but a tiny little purl seam. I'm hoping to finish this one today and have the pair done by next week.
I originally cast on using some Fleece Artist merino sock yarn in Moss and Louet Gems Merino in Champagne, but after I got a couple repeats in I pulled out the needles and cast on with the blues you see. Now I wish I hadn't been so hasty as Matt saw the start of the other one and said it looked great....maybe I can pick up all the stitches...
Aside from the Endpaper Mitts (which I admit are absorbing most of my time)

I checked this weekend and A Swell Yarn Shop did have more of this terrific sock yarn back in stock, but who knows how long it will last. I really really really wanted to order another set (the Dylan colorway is so cute), but I'm resisting...at least until a little destash sale of mine is over on Ebay (shameless plug).
I swatched for my next sweater project. It's a time consuming one. Tiny yarn, tiny needles, knit in pieces. Details soon. :)
Ack! Just got tagged by MLE for the 5 Secrets About Me meme.
Here you go:
1) I have to eat KitKats in layers (chocolate first then each individual wafer);
2) If I finish a book, I have to start the first chapter of the next one, even if it's 2am;
3) The colder it is, the more I want ice cream (Saturday night when it was -3 we went to Ben and Jerry's);
4) I knew I would marry Matt the night we first kissed; and
5) I went to law school on a whim - whoops!
I tag my fellow knitting Group Members (links for those that have blogs on the right hand side. Those that don't you are welcome to just leave it in a comment): Adrienne, Liz, Kathy, Jen, Lynae, Tamara, and Claire. :)
Oh and Kim - Tag you are it too!
Hi! It's Angela from A Swell Yarn Shop!
The Duet Socks are looking great!!!
I wanted to let you know that even if your increased your pattern size you WILL have enough for both heels! (there's extra for oops that may occur!)
I would LOVE to see a picture of the completed pair when you are done!!
I love ice cream when it's cold too!! well, I just love ice cream anytime, anywhere! LOL!
Your Endpaper Mitt is looking great! I need to get on the ball and finish the second one of mine!
Stay warm!
Funny -I do the book thing too. :)
Oh those mitts are gorgeous!
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