Late last week I received a couple of packages in the mail. First up is my February Pick Up Sticks Sock Club Kit. This month the yarn is a gorgeous color of Spunky Eclectic Skinny Socks called Romance. The pattern is a classic ripple pattern that will show off the colors in the yarn very nicely. The white yarn is to knit the removable lace cuff detail of the pattern...I'm not so into that. All in all it's another great sock kit!

And finally, a request for comments. Connie, the owner of Pick Up Sticks, recently asked everyone who reads her blog to delurk and just say "hi," so I'm going to copy her and do the same. I'm always curious who reads my blog and where you all are. So, whether you comment a lot or never, please leave me a comment just so I know you all are out there. And if you want, let me know where you are or how you came to find my blog or if you have a blog of your own. :)
Hi Alyssa
I read your blog regularly - sometimes I comment, sometimes I lurk! How appropriate that I am the first comment!
Hi - I lurk from time-to-time and was sent to you via Dani of Sunshine Yarns. She is a good friend of mine that I knew before she could knit! Anyway, she sent a yarn order to both of us the same week and was commenting that it was weird to get two orders from the same area (I live in Evanston).
So I googled you and the rest is history...
Hi, I'm a regular. I like your knitting very much. I think I came over, after you commented on Connie's blog.
Nice yarn! I have a major weakness for Yarn Pirate....you should see the new colorways she just showed on her blog!!
Hello - I'm a regular reader, though not a regular commenter. I feel like I go in spurts.
Here's my blog: http://lawschoolandknitting.blogspot.com
Hi Alyssa,
I'm Deb from NJ. I'm not sure how I got to your blog...it was probably referred to in another knitting blog. I have become addicted to them and now have 100 knitting blogs bookmarked on bloglines! I love your Pick Up Sticks kit--after I catch up and finish with Socks that Rock (I've joined their club for the second year in a row), I think Pick up Sticks will be next.
I do have a blog at this link:
stop by and visit!
Hi, I'm a regular reader of your blog, which I found through the BMFA Sock Club blog. I love all the socks you knit and drool over the sock yarn you're always posting!
Hi! Lovely new yarns you have there -- very drool-worthy!
You know I read you every day!
Funny, I have been thinking of doing this same thing since I found my blog listed on someone's blog who has never commented on mine - huh?
LOVE the yarn - you must bring it Wednesday!
That's some nice yarn ya got there!
Wellllllllllllll... I normally don't comment as I'm always green with envy at the gorgeous sock yarns you have :)
Today is another example of this :)
Cheers Eva
Howdy! I discovered your blog from the Knitters Review and was curious about other bloggers from Chicago/IL area...love reading and seeing your beautiful stuff. Keep up the great work:)
Hi, I read your blog quite a bit. I was looking for other knitters in the Skokie area. I don't have a blog, but I enjoy seeing what you are making, and what I might make the next time I have disposable cash!
Hey there, Alyssa! I'm a fellow Chicago knitter (Wrigleyville) and a regular reader. You always knit such lovely things -- I'm jealous of your ability to crank out the socks.
Congratulations to your husband on his new job and to both of you on your upcoming move. Portland sounds absolutely heavenly!
HI! I am from Arizona (originally from New Brunswick) and am a "lurker"... found your blog through Pick Up Sticks.
Hi Alyssa, Yes, I check your blog daily. You are one prolific knitter. I just got back from Stitches West!!...so I'm catching up on what happened while I was gone. Stitches was AMAZING!!!
I read, occassionally I comment. Mostly I gawk. ;) I"m hanging out in W Lafayette, IN and I don't remember how I found you now.
How DID I find your blog (or maybe it was the other way around). Can't remember.
Now I'm going to have to go join the pick up sticks club. Oy.
Hi! I think this is the first comment I've made, so that makes me a lurker. I think I found you because we're in several of the same sock knitalongs. Anyway I'm LaLa/Laura and my blog is www.lalasknits.blogspot.com
Hi Alyssa
I'm a lurker but I read your blog regularly. Love that Spunky Eclectic color!!
Delurking to say hi! I've subscribed and enjoy your blog.
helllllo alyssa
kathy b
I'm a new reader - greetings!
HI Alyssa!
Mom from Texas. Getting our STR kits this week. You're my inspiration, after Jen of course!
Look forward to seeing you soon,
Hi Alyssa,
I check your blog pretty regularly. I found you through the STR sock club blog and i'm one of the lurkers. Love your choices of yarn and your knitting is beautiful!
Jeez Alyssa, are you popular or what? 25 Comments? I'm sure it's a combination of your speedy & prolific knitting that draws the fans, I can say I knew you when. Seeya at Group tomorrow.
Hi, I don't remember what brought me to your blog first, but I've been reading for about a year, I think. I do have a blog, which I started in January.
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